Who We Support

The NAW supports The Morning StarThe only English language socialist daily newspaper published anywhere in the world.

Abortion Rights
Campaigning for legal reform and the provision of easily accessible, woman friendly, NHS funded abortion services in the UK.

Campaign against the Arms Trade (CAAT)
Works for the reduction and ultimate abolition of the international arms trade, together with progressive demilitarisation within arms-producing countries.

Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament (CND)
Campaigns non-violently to rid the world of nuclear weapons and other weapons of mass destruction and to create genuine security for future generations.

Cuba Solidarity Campaign (CSC)
Campaigns in the UK against the US blockade of Cuba and for the Cuban people’s right to self-determination and sovereignty.

End Child Poverty Campaign (ECPC)
Aims to inform the public about the causes and effects of child poverty, forge a commitment between and across the public, private and voluntary sectors to end child poverty by 2020 and promote the case for ending child poverty by 2020 with this and every future Government.

International Homeworkers
The National Group on Homeworking the UK closed in 2008 and is now part of the Federation of Homeworkers Worldwide (HWW). It aims to support and strengthen the visibility of homebased workers throughout the world, which in turn aims to improve the living and working conditions of home based workers plus much more.

National Pensioners Convention
Main objective is to promote the welfare and interests of all pensioners, as a way of securing dignity, respect and financial security in older age.

Older Feminist Network (OFM)
Formed in 1982 and has met regularly ever since in order to give voice to the concerns of older women which we felt were being ignored in feminist circles and in society generally.

Palestine Solidarity Campaign
UK based independent organisation promoting peace and justice for the Palestinian people.

Sylvia Pankhurst Memorial Committee
Campaigning for a statue of the anti-racist, anti-imperialist, socialist suffragette Sylvia Pankhurst

The People’s Assembly Against Austerity – Declaration

Women’s International Democratic Federation (WIDF)
A non-governmental organisation which unites in its ranks women from different sectors, beliefs and viewpoints of the social systems of different countries on five continents.

Women’s Resource Centre (WRC)
A charity which supports women’s organisations to be more effective and sustainable.

Wortley Hall 
The NAW is a shareholder of the Workers’ Stately Home